A Message from the Committee
It has been a busy few months for the Kogarah Bay Progress Association Inc as we have made representations on behalf of the community on many and varied matters.
We thank the community for their support, with many people taking the time to make personal submissions on a number of issues. We are stronger as collective and when the community gets behind an issue it really does make a difference, as was evident in the community objections to changes proposed in Councils Code of Meeting Practice.
More information on all issues, as well as copies of all of our submissions can be found on our website. Be sure to also join our Facebook Group to be kept updated on important issues.
Jeff Powys - Hon Secretary
Kogarah Bay Progress Association
Democracy in Action - Code of Meeting Practice
Kogarah Bay Progress Association were very concerned at proposed changes outlined in Georges River Council’s Draft Code of Meeting Practice 2019 which would have restricted the public from voicing community concerns to Councillors.
KBPA wrote a submission outlining our concern and urged members of the public and other community groups to also write submissions. There was huge community support on this important issue with Council receiving over 50 submissions showing the community is engaged and cares about protecting the public’s right to voice our concerns; the very basis of grass-roots democracy.
A member of KBPA made a 3-min address to Councillors during the Public Forum of the May Council meeting highlighting our concerns, as did representatives from Oatley Flora and Fauna and Save Carss Park Pool.
The result was a win for the community with Councillors voting unanimously to amend the Draft Code so that public forums remained part of the Order of Business of Ordinary Council, Standing Committee and Extraordinary Council Meetings (instead of the public not being allowed to address Committee Meetings or Extraordinary Council Meetings, and the Public Forum being held separate to Ordinary Council Meetings), allowing 3 speakers ‘for’ or ‘against’ an agenda item (rather than being reduced to 2 speakers), allowing someone to speak on more than one agenda item (rather than being restricted to one item) and allowing visual or audio aids (rather than not being allowed).
This result was a great demonstration that a collective voice is stronger than one and people power can win!
Development Control Plans – Beverley Park/Kogarah Bay
Since February this year KBPA has made multiple representations to Council on the lack of Development Control Plans (DCP) for high-rise residential flat buildings in the Beverley Park and Kogarah Bay precinct around Wyuna and John Streets.
The Association was pleased to see at the April Council meeting, the unanimous support by all Councillors for a Notice of Motion to immediately develop a site specific Development Control Plan for this precinct.
A Kogarah Bay Progress Association committee member made a 3min address to Councillors during the Public Forum at this Council meeting highlighting the urgent need to implement a site specific DCP for this precinct to provide some protection for neighbouring residents.
The Notice of Motion did not include a timeframe for the preparation and implementation of the DCP, so KBPA wrote to the General Manager calling for a 3-month timeframe for implementation of a new DCP. Unfortunately, the General Manager’s response was that implementation within 3-months was not possible.
KBPA will continue to monitor and apply pressure on this issue.
Council ignores it own planning responsibilities
Parkside Drive, Charles Pirie Reserve Sporting Amenities Block
KBPA made representations to Council on behalf of residents of Parkside Drive, Carss Park, in relation to the construction of a new large sporting facility including a 16-vehicle carpark within the park and road reserve opposite their homes.
KBPA was dismayed at Council’s response that pointed to a Plan of Management and community consultation that occurred in 2009 as justification for proceeding with the construction of the large sporting facility directly opposite residential homes a decade later without any further consultation, neighbour notification or opportunity for comment by the public.
Further, Council then chose to ignore sections of the same Plan of Management, that stated any new sporting facility development should maintain the same capability (ie: be no larger) and be located to limit its impact on the adjacent residential properties. The new facility fails both of these criteria of Council. It is dramatically larger in scale and it will have a major impact on adjacent residential properties.
Our member have growing concerns that Council chooses capriciously to disregard its planning responsibilities (ref Council’s neglect of preparing a DCP for the John Street and Wyuna Street precincts) and its Plans of Management that are in place if they prove to be inconvenient.
KBPA don’t dispute the need or benefit gained from the new sporting facility, rather Council’s complete lack of regard for their own planning process and community consultation and has referred our correspondence on this matter to the Office of Local Government.
An artist’s impression of the proposed amenities block to be built at Charles Pirie Reserve.
Boarding House developers reap financial rewards
70-room Boarding House – Rocky Point Road, Ramsgate
KBPA wrote a submission to Bayside Council objecting to a proposed 70-room (140 person) boarding house at 238-242 Rocky Point Road, Ramsgate.
This development follows the trend of developers taking advantage of financial incentives to build boarding houses rather than residential apartments, including saving nearly $500K in Open Space Contributions, saving on GST and being exempt from paying Land Tax.
This developer does not have a social housing provider number (like a registered charity) and there will be no law or regulation in place limiting the amount of rent the owner charges.
KBPA submission called for the Development Application to be refused on the basis of the reasons outlined below;-
1 - Excessively Large And Not Compatible With The Character Of The Local Area
2 - Non-Compliance With Parking Rates As Set In The NSW Affordable Rental Housing SEPP
3 - Building Height Is Beyond Restrictions By Up To 3.5 Metres (22%)
4 - Inadequate Solar Access Internally To the Ground Floor Communal Living Area
There would be very little benefit to the community and maximum benefit to the developer if this DA were approved. This DA is totally against the spirit of the NSW Government Affordable Housing SEPP.
This development application will be determined by the Bayside Council Local Planning Panel on a date to be advised.
Location of proposed 70-room Boarding House at 238-242 Rocky Point Road, Ramsgate
6-storey development next to Carlton South Public School
KBPA provided assistance and advice to the Carlton South Public School P&C Association in preparing a detailed submission objecting to a proposal for a six-storey apartment block at 253 Princes Hwy, Carlton, the site of the old Paul’s Warehouse.
The keys issues highlighted in the submission include:
1) Visual privacy of young students (and teachers) from the proposed development.
2) DA is deficient in providing residential parking and therefore will add further congestion to future residents parking on Ecole Street, which is very narrow and already very busy at peak times.
3) This DA is over height and over ratio.
In June 2019, the developer of this site took their application to the Land and Environment Court, taking advantage of the ‘deemed-refusal’ option within the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act that can be enacted if a determination is not made on the DA within 40 days of lodging their Development Application with Council. This enables the developer to bypass Council’s assessment and Local Planning Panel process and go straight to the Land and Environment Court for a decision.
Proposed 6-storey units to be developed adjacent to Carlton South Public School.
Open Space, Recreation & Community Facility Strategy
Earlier this year Council had a Draft Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy on public exhibition. This Draft Strategy provided high-level direction for community centres, libraries, open space, sport and recreation facilities, athletics and aquatic facilities in the Georges River area.
KPBA sent a detailed submission to Council, as did many members, highlighting a number of concerns on some recommendations and providing suggested alternatives on others. The key points made by KBPA in our submission are:-
Regional Sporting Hubs
Not supporting Jubilee Stadium precinct as a regional sporting hub
Not supporting the construction of a new aquatic facility at Jubilee Stadium
Identifying the whole of the Carss Bush Park precinct as a regional sporting hub (from Harold Fraser Oval, through Charles Pirie Reserve, Carss Park Pool, Carss Bush Park and right through to Todd Park).
Aquatic Facilities
Rebuilding Carss Park Pool in its current location
Existing Open Space and Sports & Recreation Facilities
Not supporting any suggestion to repurpose and slim down Beverley Park Golf Course to 9 holes
Implementing a Memorandum of Understanding for the Beverley Park Golf Course to be a ‘shared facility’ so neighbouring residents can use the open space after hours.
Increasing open spaces, not decreasing them, in the densely populated areas between Railway Pde, Kogarah and Princes Hwy.
Identifying Kogarah Library as the regional library unit
Council to partner with existing community centres and groups to promote as meeting places for play-groups rather than Libraries (if there are no rooms sectioned off to cater for loud groups.
KBPA supports Council’s Planning Proposal
KBPA greatly supported Council’s Planning Proposal for Low Rise to Medium Density Housing, which is trying to protect the low-density residential character of our R2 low-density residential zones.
The Association endorses Council’s intention in this Planning Proposal to seek approval from the NSW Government to prohibit villas, townhouses, terraces and manor houses in the R2 zone of Hurstville LEP 2012. We also endorse Council’s position in seeking to remove items from the Kogarah LEP 2012, which currently allows certain properties in the R2 zone to build multi-dwelling houses, such as villas and townhouses. Our association also concurs with Council’s desire to seek with the NSW Minister for Planning an exemption from the Code.
Beverley Park Golf Course Maintenance Shed
In Oct 2017 the Beverley Park Golf Club submitted a DA to demolish the existing Staff Workshop and construct a new Staff Workshop and Maintenance building 5 times the size of the existing building. In April 2019, this Development Application was re-notified with amended plans and updated Statement of Environmental Effects. On behalf of the residents whose properties adjoin the site of the proposed maintenance building, the Kogarah Bay Progress Association wrote the following submission. The submission highlighted inaccuracies in the Statement of Environmental Effects as well as that fact the DA is not in accordance with Council’s Plan of Management.
The development application will be determined by the Georges River Council Local Planning Panel at a date to be advised.
Kogarah Bay Progress Association Inc meet on the first Wednesday of each month, commencing at 7.30pm at Kogarah Community Services Hub, 49 English Street Kogarah NSW 2217.
Next meeting Wednesday 3rd July.
Everyone welcome.