The Kogarah Bay Progress Association is actively campaigning on behalf of the residents of the Kogarah Bay Ward and the Georges River Local Government Area on the following focus issues.

This page is updated regularly. Please check back for updates.

Woolworths is seeking to rezone five properties; three in Targo Road and two in Ramsgate Road, from residential to commercial, in order to build a 4,100sqm Woolworths supermarket – one of the largest in Australia – and an additional 4,000sqm of retail shops, in addition to three residential towers, two at eight storeys and one at six storeys in height, to achieve 176 apartments. This is excessive for the area. We believe the current height limits are more than generous and that they should not be exceeded.

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stop the kogarah town centre towers

Plans are currently being considered by the State Government for three 19-storey apartment towers to be built above Kogarah Town Centre and train station.

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Boarding Houses

The NSW Government is proposing changes to the Draft amendment to the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP. 

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No fence around beverley park golf course

The Beverley Park Golf Club Ltd have submitted a Development Application to Georges River Council to erect a 2.1m high spear-top metal security fence around the perimeter of the Beverley Park Golf Course.

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Open space, recreation and community facilities strategy

Georges River Council is developing an Open Space, Recreation and Community Facilities Strategy.

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save kogarah war memorial pool at carss park

Georges River Council are proposing to demolish the Kogarah War Memorial Pool at Carss Park and turn it into a car park.