193-199 Rocky Point Road, 2-6 Targo Road and 66-68 Ramsgate Road, Ramsgate
The application by the Woolworths Group to rezone parts of the above location to allow three high-rise towers and a 4,100sqm Woolworths supermarket was lodged with Georges River Council (GRC) on 15 October 2021.
GRC has been working in good faith with the Woolworths Group to address a number of issues such as the scale, bulk and height of the buildings as well as the traffic generation issues. Not having been able to adequately resolve the issues raised by Council, the Woolworths Group has now exercised its right, as per NSW planning laws, to request a rezoning review of the Planning Proposal, which will be assessed by the NSW State Government Department of Planning and Environment and determined by the Sydney South Planning Panel.
The Planning Proposal seeks to rezone five properties; three in Targo Road and two in Ramsgate Road, from residential to commercial, and build a 4,100sqm Woolworths supermarket – one of the largest in Australia – and an additional 4,000sqm of retail shops in addition to three residential towers, two at eight storeys and one at six storeys in height, to achieve 176 apartments. There will also be approximately 500 basement car parking spaces serving the supermarket, shops and residential units.
Our Association believes the current height controls for both commercial and residential zones are more than generous and that this proposal is a significant, unwarranted and ill-advised over-development and over-intensification of the site. We have grave concerns for:
The adjoining and nearby residents in regard to overshadowing, privacy, visual scale and bulk, noise, pollution, off-street parking and traffic;
The negative impact on and the commercial viability of the remaining Ramsgate shops on both sides of Rocky Point Road should this proposal proceed;
The loss of on-street parking between Ramsgate Road and Targo Road and the detrimental effect it will have on those shops;
Traffic congestion around the already very busy intersections of Rocky Point Road, Targo Road and Ramsgate Road. The Rocky Point and Ramsgate Roads intersection alone has three No Right Turn roads;
The creation of rat-runs and therefore the negative impact of traffic on our local roads, particularly Sans Souci and Beverley Park;
The rezoning of residential properties to commercial sets a dangerous precedent for high-density creep all along Rocky Point Road.
There are already six supermarkets in the vicinity (or very close by), two of them being Woolworths stores. A very large Coles supermarket is planned for Ramsgate Beach, approximately one kilometre away. The area is already well serviced by supermarkets and one as large as the one planned by Woolworths at 4,100sqm – one of the largest in Australia – is excessive for the area.
The Ramsgate Village area needs revitalisation, that is not in question. However, any proposals need to take into account the many issues that affect the area, not least that Ramsgate does not have many viable commuter options i.e. there are no stations close by. Commuters need to travel a considerable distance to reach a station and it’s anticipated that a significant number of people will therefore use cars rather than the already crowded bus service. With 176 apartments in three towers, this will not take cars off our roads but actually add to the congestion. The proposal is disproportionate to the location size and the needs of the area.
This Planning Proposal will irrevocably alter our local community and surroundings to our detriment; the loss of Ramsgate 'Village' will be devastating. The only way to stop this over-development is for the community to speak up and tell the NSW State Government (Department of Planning and Environment) that it must not permit this Planning Proposal to proceed any further.
It is our understanding that the South Sydney Planning Panel is due to assess the Planning Proposal Rezoning Review very soon to determine whether the application should proceed further, i.e. to Gateway Approval. We therefore urge all residents to write to the Department of Planning and Environment as a matter of urgency, stating your opposition to this Planning Proposal. It’s critical to let the Department know it must not proceed with this Planning Proposal – No Gateway Approval – for the reasons detailed above.
Download a letter that you can use as the basis for your email objecting to the proposal. It’s recommended that you adapt the content and use your own words as much as possible.
Email the Department of Planning and Environment
Copy State Member for Rockdale, Mr Steve Kamper
Copy the KBPA and we'll keep you informed of updates
Submit your objection to the Hon Anthony Roberts, MP, Minister for Planning and Minister for Housing - online form to be completed and submitted
Read the Association’s detailed submission to the Department of Planning and Environment
“Join the Kogarah Bay Progress Association and help fight for the interests of local residents on these important issues.”