Georges River Council shows double standards when it comes to protecting the water health of Kogarah Bay. Council state they have a moral and legal obligation to prevent chlorinated water polluting Kogarah Bay and as a result have permanently closed down Carss Park Pool.
Where is Council’s environmental concerns on the quality of the water in Kogarah Bay, when members of the Kogarah Bay Progress Association, who annually participate in cleaning the foreshore of Kogarah Bay (below the sea wall) as part of Clean Up Australia Day collect over 14 bags of rubbish?
Why doesn’t Council regularly clean out the road drainage pits surrounding the roads of Kogarah Bay to stop all the rubbish from their roads discharging directly into the Bay after it rains?
The outboard motor pictured below was first spotted by a KBPA member during the March 2018 Clean Up. This member reported the illegal dumping to Georges River Council at the time and thought nothing more of it.
Come the Clean Up in March 2019 and the KBPA member was astounded that the outboard motor was still there from the year prior. This member again contacted Georges River Council and then begun the bureaucratic runaround. In July 2019 the outboard motor still sits in the same place on the edge of Kogarah Bay. Where is Council’s urgency and moral and legal obligation to protect the bay in this instance?
There is even a bicycle in the Bay adjoining Claydon Reserve which has been there for many weeks.
The Councils' environmental credentials when it comes to the health of the waterways of Kogarah Bay are dismal.
With a record like this it is complete double standards for Council to profess to be concerned with a small amount of chlorinated water seeping from the Carss Park Memorial Pool and self-report to the EPA and then use the EPA as justification to take such divisive action to close the pool.
Outboard Motor in the bay by the edge of Park Road Reserve, Kogarah Bay (since 2018). First reported to Council in Mar 2018 and multiple times since. It still sits there today.
Outboard Motor in bay adjacent to storm water pipe outlet. Pic July 2019
Outboard motor in Kogarah Bay, first reported to Council in Mar 2018 and multiple times since. It still sits there today. Pic July 2019
Bicycle underwater at the northern reaches of Kogarah Bay, adjacent to Claydon Reserve. Pic July 2019
Oil in open canal alongside Charles Pirie Reserve, Carss Park that discharges directly into Kogarah Bay. Pic early 2019
Rubbish in the canal at the southern end of Beverley Park Golf Course
Rubbish in the canal under the bridge of Beverley Park Golf Course
Rubbish on the foreshore, adjacent to Sans Souci Leisure Centre
Rubbish on the foreshore, adjacent to Sans Souci Leisure Centre